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Chancellorsville Follow-Up

Thank you all once again for attending our Chancellorsville presentation in record numbers!

We hope that both Civil War novices and veterans alike got something out of the discussion...if not, let us know and we'll try to do better next time.

As Bob mentioned last night, we will be moving into our new quarters (just a few steps from our current quarters) during the month of July. With that in mind, our last event at our current location will be on Tuesday, June 27th, and will deal with the Campaign and Siege of Vicksburg. We would anticipate having our first event (on the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg) at the new location in mid-August.

As usual, I am providing our reading recommendations on Chancellorsville in this blog post.

The most complete recent studies of the Chancellorsville campaign are the books by Stephen Sears and Ernest Furguson shown above. John Bigelow's book, written in 1910 and also shown above, is considered a classic. Reprint versions are available at a reasonable price, but without the 40 or so color maps that made the original so valuable. If you want to spring for the original (with maps), be prepared to spend $500-$1000 from an antiquarian bookseller. The NPS booklet can be viewed online here.

Last night's presentation can be downloaded and viewed below.

Here is the US Army's Center for Military History Commemorative booklet, which is succinct but quite good.

Here is a selection of articles covering Chancellorsville:



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